Tuesday, February 5, 2008

it's only a day later!

this post is a matter of principle...keeping my promise to me...I *AM* posting....lol

I spent a lovely 3 hours with the Waterford (Va) Quilt group working on "Dear Jane" squares...there were lively discussions about applique vs reverse applique... and the cardinal sins against a member who epitomizes politically correct hand quilting circa 1863.

I must say that Dear Jane has given me a totally new view of history...even being new to quilting...whilst I hand piece squares...I really *do* imagine a woman working by lantern light and using leftover fabrics from old dresses...
Even though I am using modern techniques and fabrics...the history has not escaped me...

Monday, February 4, 2008

*tiptoing in...*

ok...but it's only been one month since my last post...to be fair...I've been cleaning up my work area...moving the living furniture into several different configurations...reading...looking through books and magazines for inspiration...watching Alex Anderson every morning...

I've worked on several small projects and made several sketches for new pieces...the more I do the easier everything seems to be getting...which has, in turn allowed my creative side to control more of my brain...since it hasn't had to figure most of the stuff out...hehehe...

I will definitely...YES definitely get some pieces uploaded...and plan on at least one or two posts a week...that shouldn't be TOO ambitious...